eLearnSecurity ❤ ❤ ❤
Wow it’s been decades since i’ve written my last story on Medium. Well…...….I was busy creating a whole career from scratch! (Sigh) :)
No doubt that I am one of the biggest fans of eLearnSecurity. Honestly these guys are the best creating quality content and exams. I first took their renown eJPT exam and enjoyed every single step to achieve the certificate. In my opinion, eJPT is the best entry level certificate for the absolute beginners by the way.
eWPTXv2 as a Monster
As a junior penetration tester who was new to the field, i decided to add a new certificate under my belt (because why not?). The choices are eWPT or eWPTX for the Web, as you know. After i researched the curriculum of eWPT, and the forums, comments etc.; i decided to give it a go for eWPTX directly, as eWPT seemed to be quite easy (oh no!)
No bed of roses
Once you;
- Go through all the slides,
- Go through all the videos,
- Do all the labs multiple times,
- Do all the challenges multiple times
You are good to go. Just do these 4 bullet points.
But these 4 bullet points would take FOREVER. These 4 bullet points would take a couple of months especially if you have a full time job. (A full commitment’s what i’m thinking of…)
The Exam
You can start the exam any time you want. Here are my recommendations,
- Relax, if you went through all the material (slides, videos, labs challenges) the exam is no out of this scope.
- Start the exam on weekend, (get a life, bro)
- Read the Letter of Engagement carefully, (and read it again)
- Enumerate carefully (this is crucial)
- 7 full days are given for the exam environment. Do not panic, take your time (to the last minute!) Whether you crack the exam in 2 days or in 7 days doesn’t matter.
- You can use all the tools, there is no restriction for that
- Report as you go. Take notes and screenshots as you find the vulnerabilities. After 7 days you won’t be able to reach the exam environment. You are given 7 days extra for the report writing but you won’t be able to remember which screenshot was about which vulnerability, trust me :)
- There are minimum requirements to pass the exam. Do not stop even if you find them. Add all the vulnerabilities you could find!
- Submit the report. Remember, if you do not submit it, you cannot have the free retake (in case you fail the exam)
- Wait for the couple of days (after all this sh*t, this is the hardest part)
- Download the shiny cert :)
eLearnSecurity means a lot to me. They make everything easier for a newbie. Also, INE labs are very stable and they work like a charm. So, my overall experience with the whole process was quite good. Looking forward to taking another course of eLearnSecurity and INE.